Why I've voted for Tim Farron for President of the Liberal Democrats

My ballot paper has just gone off with my “X” against Tim Farron for President of the Liberal Democrats.

I have a great deal of time for Susan Kramer and was intending to vote for her. In many ways, she would normally be the perfect LibDem President.

However, these are not normal times. We are in grave danger of having all our good work in government going to waste because noone recognises that we have done it. We really do need quite a vocal, brash (if you like) individual representing the heart and soul of our party to the media and the public.

Without doubt Tim Farron is the very person who can be our vocal, brash(ish) spokesperson and represent the distinctive agenda of the Liberal Democrats.

That’s why I changed my mind at the last second and voted for Tim Farron. Having now seen his video (below), I remain convinced that I made the right decision.

6 thoughts on “Why I've voted for Tim Farron for President of the Liberal Democrats

  1. I thought I would vote for Susan and then changed my mind – as you say, she is ideal presidential material, but having met Tim at Scottish Conference and giving him quite a hard time, I’m convinced we need him at this time. We really need a bruiser to cut through Labour’s bile and he’s it.

  2. I’ve still not decided. Tim has some great qualities, as does Susan. But I still remember Tim’s ill-advised piece on him supporting a graduate tax in libdem voice recently – http://www.libdemvoice.org/graduate-tax-is-the-fairest-way-of-abolishing-tuition-fees-20359.html – which makes the choice far more difficult for me than it otherwise would be. I’m not sure I can support someone who was publicly voicing his support for such an appallingly bad idea so recently (19th July).

  3. @Caron

    Please don’t tell me that after the CSR you see Labour as the enemy?

    Personally, I’m terminally ill and not only face the spectre of death but also the spectre of losing the benefit that I depend upon to live. I’m not the only one…. there are now many hundreds of thousands if not millions up and down the country in a position of real vulnerability launched into fear and uncertainty because of the Coalitions regressive CSR that will see them left with little or nothing.

    The leadership is the party’s worst enemy, not the fresh faced Labour Party. I think Tim Farron needs to get his priorities right.

  4. Pingback: Probably the best UK political movie for YouTube I’ve seen | Mark Pack

  5. What isn’t clear from the video is why Tim needs to be President in order to be an effective spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats and get across his message. He seems to be building his profile and getting invites from the media pretty effectively as things are.

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